Teams initially ordered by Pair Score descending.
Pair Score is (n^2/160e9), Prime Score is (n^3/64e15)
Rank | Team | Pairs Returned | Pair Score | Primes Found | Prime Score | Latest result |
1 | Raiders of the Lost Primes | 24143293 | 170479417.968 | 4667 | 37774.653 | 2024-09-19 |
2 | Team_Resurrection | 3034531 | 99355348.464 | 144 | 26160.284 | 2024-01-20 |
3 | - | 1310612 | 36962474.608 | 107 | 8883.891 | 2024-09-05 |
4 | BOINC Confederation | 1321577 | 33657271.067 | 70 | 7609.835 | 2024-09-19 |
5 | AMD Users | 5488778 | 30367852.098 | 1377 | 7132.953 | 2024-09-04 |
6 | PrimeSearchTeam | 2325084 | 14767615.835 | 345 | 4594.995 | 2015-01-12 |
7 | Free-DC | 7470472 | 13061828.383 | 2316 | 2705.497 | 2015-03-09 |
8 | Team_Phoenix | 196900 | 5898468.293 | 10 | 1122.807 | 2024-04-10 |
9 | Russia | 198346 | 5866308.966 | 15 | 1190.353 | 2024-09-09 |
10 | Antarctic Crunchers | 44482 | 1615599.880 | 2 | 279.718 | 2023-01-30 |
11 | Ars Technica Team Prime Rib | 178428 | 945097.814 | 54 | 11.431 | 2024-09-13 |
12 | | 340160 | 812966.188 | 66 | 167.698 | 2011-07-14 |
13 | Aggie The Pew | 95768 | 592811.432 | 5 | 51.158 | 2012-07-17 |
14 | Team Norway | 44218 | 394643.427 | 8 | 695.607 | 2024-09-19 |
15 | XtremeSystems | 241449 | 336300.058 | 73 | 65.638 | 2009-06-18 |
16 | SETI.USA | 19106 | 126298.680 | 2 | 25.491 | 2023-02-12 |
17 | [H]ard|OCP | 13438 | 30082.538 | 3 | 7.989 | 2009-06-23 |
18 | Dutch Power Cows | 4160 | 21921.155 | 1 | 13.978 | 2011-01-10 |
19 | Sicituradastra. | 3370 | 19787.373 | 1 | 9.844 | 2012-04-25 |
20 | X Grubbers Kick Ass | 5953 | 7369.422 | 1 | 1.389 | 2008-06-05 |
21 | Ukraine | 2127 | 4435.504 | 0 | 0.000 | 2012-05-27 |
22 | L'Alliance Francophone | 485 | 3074.813 | 0 | 0.000 | 2012-02-20 |
23 | The Knights Who Say Ni! | 1428 | 1854.639 | 0 | 0.000 | 2009-05-07 |
24 | Team_Italia | 2183 | 1524.496 | 0 | 0.000 | 2008-02-18 |